Over the years as I started my collection of movie and TV collectibles I came across many rare, hard to find or discontinued replicas. I don't own many of these. I discovered these while researching online.
Below we look back at replicas from 21st Century Toys. Unfortunately, the company no longer exists. However, 21st Century Toys could be found on eBay and other online stores selling second-hand products.
"21st Century Toys, Inc. is a family-owned Alameda based toy company specializing in action figure toys of unbeatable quality, authenticity and attention to detail. The company burst onto the scene in 1997 when it introduced it's Vietnam Series I & II uniform sets for 12-inch action figures. Over the last four years, the company has grown exponentially and is well known among collectors for a wide variety of quality action figures and accessories.
21st Century Toys action figures come in 1/6th, 1/18th and 1/32nd Scale. Action Figure series include the Ultimate Soldier®, America's Finest®, The Villains®, Ultimate Soldier XD®, and Ultimate Soldier 32XG. Each series and every action figure set made from each historical era, past to present, is unparalleled in finely crafted detail. Other sets include intricately detailed uniforms, vehicles and weapons."
(Source http://figure-archive.net/doc.aspx?docID=4344)
Steve McQueen on the German WWII Bike from The Great Escape1963
Lady Penelope Fab One 1966 from Thunderbirds TV Series
Willys Jeep with Action Figures from Sahara 2005
P-40B Warhawk from Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow 2004